
Travel back in time. It is the late 1700's and you are a coureurs de bois (runner in the woods - French fur traders); or perhaps part of a group of Scottish traders bringing in the furs to the annual rendezvous on Lake Superior. Provided with birchbark canoes, black powder rifles, a guide who doubles as your cook, and dressed in clothing of the day, you will be able to cast the stresses and concerns of present time away. You will travel back in time and experience the sights and sounds just as the fur traders did.

This is a total "get-away" experience in which you have nothing to worry about. Period clothing and gear will be provided including tent, bedding, tools, weapons, and all the accoutrements used by the voyageurs of the time. You will be taught the skills used by these men - to throw a knife or tomahawk; start a fire with flint and steel; and how to work the canoe. Meals from that time period will be prepared for you. Sit around the fire smoking a pipe singing the songs and listening to the stories of the voyageurs.

This affordable expedition in time is only $300 per day/night per person. There is nothing for you to do but arrive. You can determine the number of days and with your guide the length of river you wish to travel. The river, in northern Minnesota, meanders through the deep woods, untouched by civilization. You will see only trees, water, and wildlife.

Call us at 727.420.3202 for details or write and we will be glad to answer your questions.

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