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When choosing bark for canoes and even for baskets and other crafts a key criterium is the health of the bark and this is primarily determined by its flexibility. Sometimes you can just look at a tree and its bark and see if it is going to be good or not - does the tree and bark look healthy.

Birch trees are the proverbial "canary in the coal mine" (you know, the miners would bring the canary down into the shaft and when the canary died one was almost out of air and had better head up). Well birch trees need a lot of water and aluminum prevents the uptake of water in plants. As a matter of fact our dear friends at Monsata have developed GMO seeds that are aluminum resistent! If you look to the skies you will see "chem trails" - the exhaust, etc. from jets. "Con-trials" (condensation) trails dissipate quickly whereas chem-trails hang in the air. Aluminum is a major component of this exhaust, along with other metals. The US government denied such spraying until the evidence was too great (even photos of actual spraying from canisters attached to the jets) and said this is part of a "geo-engineering" project. They've said that the metals provide better conditions for WI-FI, etc. They've also said it is part of weather modification (save us from Global Warming).

Regardless of any of this there are direct effects of too much aluminum. For the birch trees and other plants it prevents the uptake of water and thus a major die-off of our woodland birch. For us it has been linked to the spike in alzheimers and dementia. There is much data on the mental effects of heavy metal poisoning.

Well, what does this have to do with birchbark canoes? One must go to the "Tiaga" for good quality bark - where the air is clean. The Tiaga is an eco zone just south of the Tundra - both are Russian words. These zones are climate/eco zones. The Tiaga only exists in the northern hemisphere. In Canada it is commonly referred to as the boreal forest. Well the Tiaga in Siberia and Alaska have the best bark for canoes that I know of at this time.

An interesting note is Vladimir Putin has out-lawed GMOs in Russia and is now becoming the world's largest exporter of non-GMO food.

Barring some major catastrophe if looks like Siberia's eco-system and bark will stay pristine for some time to come.

Unless something is done to stop the spraying of aluminum and other metals and chemicals, the US and Canada will continue to see their trees and other vegetation die and and we will be forced to eat aluminum resistent GMO food from Monsanto and our canoes will have to be fiberglass and plastic.

Don't take my word for any of this. Do your own investigation. However, from my research this is what I found to be true. A good documentary on the subject is "What in the World are They Spraying".

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